LOTAR and MBx-IF Meetings in Toulouse
The first LOTAR Workshop 2023 took place in Toulouse, France, and was well attended with more than 30 experts on site, plus many more joining remotely. Several guests from companies interested in joining the LOTAR project as new members were among the attendees to get a first-hand impression of the way of working, recent accomplishments and next steps. They also brought their own requirements to the table to see how they fit with the overall scope of LOTAR. For instance, SAFRAN provided an presentation on interoperability for Composite Materials. The creation of a multi-domain test model as well as recommendations for handling large amounts, or large file sizes, of generic data such as spread sheets were discussed as well.
Many documents of the LOTAR standard series were reviewed in course of their regular update cycle. This includes basic and common process parts as well as those from the 3D Mechanical CAD domain, which are among the first published documents. In addition, new parts of the series from multiple domains are nearing completion and are being prepared for external ballots with ASD and AIA. Various pilot projects are being prepared to validate the requirements as well as the underlying information standards.
As usual, the LOTAR workshop was complemented by a meeting of the MBx Interoperability Forum. The 51st test round of the CAx domain was successfully completed. Detailed review of the testing results and technical topics enabled the group to close several topics as “done”, thus moving on to new scope areas. A summary of these accomplishments was presented at the traditional MBx-IF Roundtable meeting.
For more details, see the Workshop Summary.