LOTAR Workgroups

LOTAR PLM Workgroup

Goals and Objectives

The objective of the Product Data Lifecycle Management (PLM) Workgroup, much like the objective of the LOTAR Project Objective is to develop, publish and maintain standards designed to provide the capability to archive and retrieve Product Data Lifecycle Management information in a standard neutral form that can be read and reused throughout the product life cycle, independent of changes in the IT application environment originally used for creation.

The specific goal of the PLM Working Group is focused on the long term preservation of the digital PLM information along the Aircraft life cycle: in development, as designed, as planned, as delivered, and as maintained.

The typical product information managed by PLM systems covers the complete life cycle of a product, from concept specification to disposal. In order to facilitate the visualization and usage of the information, views are created for each life cycle phase. The following figure describes the different data views with associated data characteristics, showing their relation to the product life cycle phases. It represents also the current priorities of development of the LOTAR 210 standard.

(click to enlarge)

Associated LOTAR use cases

The LOTAR standards of the family 2xx will answer to the following use cases

Name Status
LT Archiving and Retrieval of Changes to As-Delivered Baseline Reviewed
Transfer of Ownership of Design Reviewed
Delivery of a Component Definition from a Supplier Reviewed
LT Archiving and Retrieval of a Type Certificate Configuration (TCC) Reviewed
LT Archiving and Retrieval of a Legacy Design TB defined
LT Archiving and Retrieval of As-Delivered Aircraft Baseline TB defined

List of LOTAR standards of the PLM family 2xx

The planned NAS / EN 9300-2xx standards for the Long Term Preservation of Product Lifecycle Management data are the following:

Part Title (under review) Release date
200 Common concepts for Long term archiving and retrieval of product structure information 2012
205 Product Structure Validation 2024
210 Product Management Data in an “as designed” view 2024
230 Product Management Data in an “as delivered/ maintained” view 2024
240 Product Management Data “in-development” (including preliminary design review, critical design review, FAI, etc.) 2026

Close interdependencies with the LOTAR WG in charge of the development of the “Metadata for Archival Package”, based also on the STEP AP 239 PLCS information model.

Associated ISO 10303 referenced Information model

The LOTAR standards do not define specific information models for Long Term preservation of CAD and PLM information models. Solutions in development rely closely on the ISO 10303 Application Protocols, based on the modular architecture, which ensures the consistency of the information models subsets, common to several ISO 10303 standards.

In this perspective, the LOTAR P2xx family requirements can be met by the STEPAP 239 “Product Life Cycle Support” (PLCS) standard. The LOTAR project supports the harmonization of the STEP AP239 and of the AP242 standards for the common PLM subset.

In addition, the parts 210 and 230 will validate the use of STEP AP239 (harmonized with AP242) for implementation of the use cases for LT preservation of PLM data.

Way of working – meetings and teleconferences

  • The PLM Working Group holds bi-weekly web meetings / conference calls on Thursdays from 16:30 – 17:30 (European Central Time) , 10:30am – 11:30am (US East Coast time)
  • Specific sessions of the PLM WG are held during the 4 LOTAR annual Workshops.


  • Finalization of the part 200 “Common concepts for Long term archiving and retrieval of product structure information “, ready for LOTAR internal ballot.
  • Finalization of the part 210 (under review).
  • Development of the part 230 (in work)
  • Development of a recommended practice for the validation properties of a PDM product structure.
  • Definition of use cases for the Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of PDM data.
  • Preparation of an AP239 DEX for the LTA of As-designed PDM data (deprecated).
  • Preparation of pilots for Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of “As design” product management data.

Related standardization projects:

  • STEP AP239
  • STEP AP242


Workgroup Leader Europe

Frédéric Darré

Workgroup Leader Americas

Arthur Bingcang
The Boeing Company