LOTAR Workshop in St. Simons Island, USA

LOTAR Workshop in St. Simons Island, USA

19 October 2016

The Engineering Analysis and Simulation (EAS) workgroup reached out to vendors of Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) software and related STEP interfaces by holding an online presentation during the recent LOTAR workshop, in cooperation with the CAx Implementor Forum (CAx-IF) and supported by NAFEMS, the worldwide CAE community. More than 30 participants from over 15 companies attended. The short-term goal is to launch a pilot project based on STEP AP209 Edition 2, and subsequently to extend the CAx-IF into the EAS domain in 2017.

The PDM team defined its roadmap for the near future. STEP AP239 Edition 3, which is currently in work, and its continued harmonization with AP242 Edition 2, are the foundation for archiving meta and structure data in a way that is robust and covers all requirements. While waiting for these standards to be completed, the results achieved so far will be secured by publishing them as LOTAR Technical Specifications by the end of 2016.

The LOTAR workgroups for Mechanical CAD with PMI, Composites, as well as Electrical Harness advanced in their respective areas and closely coordinated with the AP242 Edition 2 teams to resolve issues from current standardization tasks as well as ensuring fulfilment of LOTAR requirements.